Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The United States needs loan modifications - Feldman Law Center

According to a recent Gallup Poll, over 50% of Americans feel that offering government aide (mortgage bailout) to homeowners in distress is unfair1. My fellow Americans, it seems as if in this hard time we are hard-pressed to find support from others in more fortunate situations. In fact the same source also outlined that according to America, only 6% of Americans feel that the government's aide will even have a substantial effect on the mortgage crisis2. The fact of the matter is that often times hardworking citizens find themselves in times of hardship. You may be one of the homeowners with children, dreams and lives that revolve around your precious home. You may also be a multiple home owner, homes that you have earned through years of hard work. With Americans weary of government assistance, what can homeowners do?

Homeowners have the right to defend themselves against lenders; often times in order to stay in one's home an individual must take the initiative. During any crisis those who act proactively have historically been the most successful. This is true for any financial investment as well. Albeit, the home for many homeowners is much more than an investment. The reality of the situation is that in order to keep your property, homeowners should not sit and wait for help. Homeowners are now turning to loan modifications as a means of survival. A loan modification is by far the most effective and economically sound decision a homeowner can make. What is a loan modification? A loan modification is a relatively new option that many homeowners are using to keep their properties. As other options are less effective and can cost homeowners much more money. In this current economy smart decisions need to be deciphered and executed in an expedited manner.

The main objective of a loan modification is to offer a homeowner payment relief, this comes in the form of a lowered monthly payment as well as, and not limited to; a lowered interest-rate, reduced principle balance and deferred payments. A loan modification will also recapitalize the arrears; what this means for you as a homeowner is that a successful loan modification will take what ever past due(s) you owe and put it back into the principle. Ultimately the goal of a loan modification is to keep what you own, to further ensure that you keep your property a loan modification will also typically offer an interest only option or fix and fully amortize your loan. Other benefits of a loan modification include; no credit score requirements will stops foreclosures and will bring a homeowner completely current.

How can a homeowner obtain a loan modification? In order to obtain a loan modification a homeowner must know exactly what to do and/or say to their lender. As many inexperienced homeowners will tell you, a loan modification is not a very easy or simple task. It takes hours upon hours of work as well as a fundamental understanding of what lenders are looking for when approving loan modification. Thus, homeowners’ best opportunities lie with an experienced loan modification company. Because of the large number of unscrupulous loan modification companies currently operating, a homeowner's best shot at a loan modification is through a law firm. This is the case because a lawyer must actually put their license on the line; this ensures legitimacy. A law firm will offer legal expertise as well as the modification experience required to successfully negotiator a loan modification. For more information on keeping your home visit or call us at (800) 588-0425.

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